Monday, September 27, 2010

Brittany is a young lady from Indiana who is a qualified hairdresser and will be leaving to go to Destiny Rescue in Thailand to start our new hairdressing school/Salon in November 2010. This will be a new
sustainable income project and business opportunity for girls that we have rescued out of the sex slave industry. These girls will go through full training and will end up with a qualification to continue in their
new vocation.

The start up cost to launch the hairdressing school is: $5000.
We are looking for people to make an investment into this great business opportunity that will Change the lives of these precious girls forever.
If you are a hair salon owner and would like to donate product or equipment that would be great.
If you would like to make a donation towards this please contact our office or click on the button.

Phone: 574-834-1109 or 5743773220